Tara Anderson's Blog
This is the blog for my sister-in-law, Tara — Matt's wife. Caleb and Isaac and I had a great time visiting them this summer, and you can go here to view more photos from the collection of talented photographer, Tara Anderson.
Isaac's Spider-Man Fan Site
Isaac's Spider-Man Fan Site — This is a Spider-Man site I set up for my son, Isaac's, Spider-Man Club.It contains links to the official movie sites, coloring page and desktop theme downloads and other items. You must be sure to take a look at the Members' List, dictated to me by Isaac himself. If you're not currently on there, feel free to sign up.
Zip Realty
This is the ZIP reality profile page for my sister-in-law, Rachel Anderson, (Eric's wife) a really sweet person, and a joy to work with. Her mission statement: To create an enjoyable, convenient, and affordable home buying and selling experience by providing innovative Internet solutions and excellent service.